What are people saying about BEA?

On May 12, 2013, ARC hosted a panel discussion to explore some of the difficult issues raised by BEA. The conversation was amazing, and was attended by members of the community, media, and politicians. We asked some of those in attendance to send us their thoughts on the show. This is what we they sent us:

Bea speaks to one of the great questions of our time. As fundamental a ‘good’ life is, when does an individual have the right to say “I had enough”? The intimacy of the space and the energy of all three performers grabs the audience and doesn’t let go.
-Wodek Szemberg, Producer of The Agenda with Steve Paikin

Bea is not just a play about assisted suicide. It’s a powerfully moving exploration of what happens when when we move from hearing to actually listening, from caring for someone to actually caring about someone, and from merely existing to being fully alive. It’s a wonderful experience.
– Ken Gallinger (Panelist), Ethicist, Toronto Star

Bea realistically reflects the physical, emotional, psychological and existential suffering  that individuals experiencing  progressive chronic illness as well as their loved ones face in Canada in 2013
– Dr. Sandy Buchman (Panelist),  Palliative Care Physician and Education Lead at the Temmy Latner Centre for Palliative Care at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto.

Bea is a very powerful and moving presentation of issues important to all of us — about family relationships, how life ends, and who gets to decide about that.  It will keep you thinking and talking about these issues long after. The acting is powerful and the play is terrific. 
– Professor Joan Gilmour (Panelist), Osgoode Hall Law School

Why not see for yourself what people are talking about? BEA runs until May 26th at the Factory Studio Theatre. Get your tickets today!